3 Common Rules for Pets in a Community in Fort Collins, Colorado

3 Common Rules for Pets in a Community in Fort Collins, Colorado

In 2023, statistics show that 66% of all U.S. households own one or more pets. While some homeowners associations attempt to restrict homeowners from owning a pet, a statistic like that makes it almost impossible.

Most HOAs welcome pets but with certain rules and regulations. These guidelines aim to make all members of the community feel safe and comfortable. They also provide safeguards against things like excessive barking.

What are some of the rules about pets in a community? Keep reading to learn about three common rules and pet restrictions in this guide.

What is a Homeowners Association?

If you live in a planned community, it's likely that you have a homeowners association. The purpose of the association is to keep the community maintained. This helps ensure that the property values stay where they should be.

The HOA establishes and enforces rules. It handles financial responsibilities. It takes care of maintenance and repairs in the community.

Rules On Pets in a Community

Included in the rules and regulations of a community are pet restrictions. Let's look at three of the most common ones the members of the community must follow. Remember that most towns and cities have leash laws. The community does not need to establish a separate rule.

1. Pet Registration

Requiring homeowners to register their pets with the HOA helps them keep track of the number of pets in the community. Knowing how many pets there are, helps them establish rules that will work for everyone. Which in turn, keeps the neighborhood a desirable place to live.

When new residents move in, they are required to disclose the number of pets they have. Current residents should also report to the association when they add a pet to their household.

Pet registration also helps the HOA follow up with violators of the pet rules.

2. Size and Breed Restrictions

HOAs attempt to curtail possible damage to the community by limiting the size and the breed of the dogs residents may have. Though size does not indicate whether or not a dog will be destructive or aggressive, HOAs will put these limits in place.

Some dog breeds are considered aggressive and are often restricted.

3. Waste Cleanup

Dog lovers may enjoy seeing a dog barreling down the sidewalk with their owner holding the leash, but no one wants to see or step in dog waste. Not only is that inconvenient, but it is also toxic and hazardous.

HOAs need to establish rules requiring pet owners to pick up and properly dispose of their pet's waste. To help facilitate rule compliance, some HOAs provide bags and trash cans throughout the community.

Some may even issue a fine to residents for failure to clean up after their pets.

HOA Management

An HOA manager has a lot to juggle when enforcing community pet rules and restrictions as pet owners are passionate about their animals.

Is your community in need of professional HOA management services to handle this issue? We at Property Management Inc. can help. We are a full-service real estate asset management company.

Please contact us today to schedule a consultation.
